Thursday, March 18, 2010

Family. Fort. Food. Fawesome.

The other day I had this idea.

And so...

we made calzones:

and ate them in this:

why didn't I take advantage of my dad's engineering experience back when I did this on a regular basis?

the best part-- Danielle (too cool, too teenaged, way too in to her cell phone) got a call from one of her too cool friends:
Uhh, yeah I'm eating dinner with my family right fort.
(Beat) Yeah, my family's weird.

Someday, I will be one of those parents that makes a point of doing dorky things to embarrass her kids. every. single. day.

And someday they'll thank me.


  1. Your family is amazing...I can only hope I would do the same someday

  2. ha ha that looks wonderful! What a grand time you all had. I love making forts. It makes me feel so young.

    p.s. don't forget to enter my Peruvian Feather Earring GIVEAWAY at


