Monday, February 22, 2010

Dear Lord Saruman, Orcs are gross.

I am sitting here, watching The Fellowship of the Ring.  With my sister, who wanted to watch it because her young mind barely remembers it, who is currenlty not watching it because she is asleep.  And then Cate Blanchett's character says this:
"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future."

And I think that's cool.  And that gets me excited for this:

Some fun facts about the Czech Republic:

it is in the exact middle of Europe

Population: 10,230,060 (approximately)

Prague is its biggest city, with 1,285,995, and is three times larger than the next largest city

it rains on average every other day during the summer

average winter temperatures are always below freezing
Czechoslovakian communism ended in 1989--only 21 years ago

Czecans commonly say Ahoj (pronounced: ahoy) when greeting friends; like pirates

It has one of the least religious populations, along with Estonia, in all of Europe: 59% claim to be agnostic, atheist, or non-believers

the country's first president in 1990 was a former playwright

the English words pistol, polka, and robot come from the Czech language

1 comment:

  1. oh my, i am so excited for you! you will change the future, i'm sure of it!

